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3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25 Create and record and original song with musician and songwriter RiverJack Z! For families with children of all ages. Free and open to the public. This event was made possible by a generous donation from the Can/Am Hockey Group.

Meet Some New York State Wildlife!

Tuesday, July 18th at 1:00 p.m. Staff from the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum will be on hand for an interactive experience with live animals and touchable artifacts. Families with children of all ages welcome. Free and open to the public.

Library eBooks Q&A

Monday July 10, 12:00-1:00 eBooks and eAudio with Libby Q&Aat the Lake Placid Public Library Bring your device with you for help getting started with library eBooks and eAudio on your smartphone or tablet. If you’re interested in reading library eBooks on a Kindle, you will also need your smartphone or another tablet. We can […]

From the Archive

This photo is in our Olympics, 1980 archive folder. We were able to identify most of the people in the photo, but we are still missing two names. Here is who we have so far: Top rowDon Beaney, Chip Ormsby, Lynn Wilson, Tony Kilburn, Bern Farley, Tom Borden, Leonard Gadway Bottom rowBob Allen, Billy Kilburn, […]

Linda Recommends 11/15/22

Since I woke up earlier than usual, I decided to read the book I started last night, ONCE UPON A WARDROBE, by Patti Callahan. This novel was one that had been suggested by a patron. I brought it home and I’m so glad I did.The book I had started to read on the weekend reminded […]