Linda Recommends 11/15/22
Since I woke up earlier than usual, I decided to read the book I started last night, ONCE UPON A WARDROBE, by Patti Callahan. This novel was one that had been suggested by a patron. I brought it home and I’m so glad I did.The book I had started to read on the weekend reminded me too much of a Thomas Hardy novel. In his stories, circumstances and coincidences, always seem to bring grief and an end to the characters hopes and plans. I’ve only read to page 79 of Callahan’s novel, and I already want to tell you about it. I am already looking forward to coming home from work to continue reading this novel. Yesterday I had a most interesting conversation with a patron about our choices in what we read, she is a mostly a non-fiction reader and I am a mostly a fiction reader. She does occasionally read fiction as I do sometimes read non-fiction. Well, this morning I read a somewhat similar conversation between the novel’s protagonists. These two sentences I had to copy immediately…..”Reason is how we get to the truth, but imagination is how we find meaning.” Wow! Then, on page 79. “With stories, I can see with other eyes, imagine with other imaginations, feel with other hearts, as well as with my own.” Double WOW!! I have learned so much from the novels I’ve read over these many years. I have gained understanding and empathy that I can apply to my actual life. Novels have helped me through difficult times. When reading novels, my own imagination transports me into that different time and place. I know the characters like I know the people in my life. I am so grateful for writers of both fiction and non-fiction. I’m grateful for Bambi and all the librarians before her that made sure our library provides books for people of all different reading tastes and interests. Browse the shelves and discover the many choices available. We have books published many years ago, and the newest books on the best seller’s list today. Today, I am particularly grateful to Patti Callahan. Thank you, Ms. Callahan and thank you to the patron who recommended this novel.
Thanks Linda, for this great book recommendation, I look forward to reading it in the future. Happy Thanksgiving, we are all so blessed to have you in our lives!